Short Story Blog Nexus

An experiment, a short story blog and a place for me to practice all rolled into one. If you decide to come back, you might be able to see my writing improve. =) Oh, and comment on the stories if you feel like it. =)

Location: Singapore

I'm weird and I like smileys (the non-graphical types). =)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Reverse Empire Pt. 1

AN: Borrows most of the base setting from Star Wars but has nothing to do with it otherwise. Don't expect this to be just another Star Wars fanfic. =)


"Alright, tonight then." The speaker, a young human male who didn't look like he was out of his teens paused for dramatic effect. "By this time tomorrow the Empire wouldn't be able to hide the atrocities they've committed in the name of galactic unity any longer."

An even younger teenage boy swallowed nervously before asking, "Are you sure we can pull it off? The Imperial Broadcasting Net is as heavily defended as any military fortress."

"We have to, or we'll be no better than the Senate!" The girl, the eldest of the youths assembled there declared vehemently. Her expression hardened before continuing in a quieter voice, "Or the monsters who killed my brother soon after he showed us the truth..."

Another girl, with an obvious resemblance to the nervous teen, placed a hand on her shoulder. "We know. He was an inspiration to us al-"

"SHUT UP!!" The first girl shrieked as she violently shrugged off the hand on her shoulder. "That idiot had to get himself captured! He knew what Internal Imperial Intelligence would do to 'dissidents'."

The remaining two youths in the room were almost shocked out of their seats at the outburst. The younger of the two boys tried to placate the girl. "Calm down Traarel, Traavin knew what he was getting into and decided to act for the greater good."

"Yes, as will we all. Tonight." The largest of the teens intoned solemnly. "Herrin, will there be anything else?"

"No, that's it for the agenda." The first speaker answered. "We are adjourned."

Just as the meeting broke, a muffled cry came from behind the only door of the room. It was immediately followed by the unmistakable whine of a blaster discharge.


Despite how prepared they were for this very eventuality, everyone in the room were caught flatfooted as the door crashed open to reveal a towering figure in white armor.

Even as Herrin and Traarel raised their pistols, the stormtrooper disappeared from the doorway and a small metallic sphere was tossed into the room.

Everyone recognized what it was, and everyone knew that there was no way to hide in a room of that size.

Herrin and Traarel had just enough time to share a look before the pulse grenade went off in a noiseless blue flash.

While the stun weapon knocked everybody else out instantly, Traarel remained conscious long enough to see a III officer step cautiously into the room. Just as everything faded to black, she saw the last person she ever expected to see.


Wanted to write the whole thing in one go but it's getting waaaay too late. I'll finish up tomorrow. Or maybe later than that; This is already turning out to be much longer than I expected it to be.


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